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Purpose of life| Dear Diary


                         Purpose of life

Why human give birth to baby just for the continuity of human race? 
Why person marry just to continue the race of human or to fulfill his/her desire? 

Why in all family, all religions every one is following the same pattern to get married and then have babies then raised them and when they grew up, their children married. Again the same cycle is going on from the past till now. Is it the only purpose why we live on earth or created by God. The rat race is everywhere, in every field to chase the things which all are temporary. None of them will go with us after death but still we love, priorities things and want to have all the things which we saw. Is there something that we really missing which is needed by soul not by our body. Are we spritually awaken or accepted that at the end of this whole scenario we are nothing but just a soul. When we accept this reality we never hate other, we never have disappointment and expectation from anyone because inside we know who we are. This make the life more easier and happier to live.

By - J.K

Purpose of life| Dear Diary Purpose of life| Dear Diary Reviewed by Jyoti on February 25, 2022 Rating: 5


  1. Yes . .. We are souls. .. From different dimensions...

  2. Yes. .. We are souls . From different dimensions... .



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